2 posts under #red-team.
Playing With Cobalt Strike: Part Two
2022-04-13 • Bypassing Defender on Windows Server 2022 with Cobalt Strike v4.5 and C
Approximately two months ago, I published Playing With Cobalt Strike, which readers seemed to enjoy. While writing that article, I was both pleasantly surprised as a red teamer, and disheartened as a blue teamer, at the ease of use and the general efficacy of Cobalt Strike 4.5’s Beacons (payloads) against Windows 10 and Excel 2016.
Playing With Cobalt Strike
2022-02-11 • Fun with Cobalt Strike v4.5
Ah, Cobalt Strike, HelpSystems’ infamous (but legitimate) Red Teaming product coopted by attackers worldwide for malicious purposes. For those unfamiliar, Cobalt Strike is an adversarial toolkit. Its official capacity in the security industry is to simulate attacks for testing purposes. Of course, as is perhaps expected, given the prompt release of each new version to the Internet, those with less noble intentions also make use of the software.